Ways to Earn Money Online for Web Designers and Web Developers by Rean John Uehara

As of late we’ve been receiving emails from people asking us for tips on how to earn money online as a web designer or web developer. As a response, I’ve written a quick list of things that web designers and web developers can start doing RIGHT NOW to earn sweet money. This post is for designers and developers of any skill level.
If you’re entirely new to web design and web development and you’re looking for resources to help you learn and become a web designer, here are some great starting points that I personally recommend:
Learn for Free

How to Make Money From Your Website by Christopher Heng

Now that you've created a website, how do you make money from it? There are at least two ways in which sites can make money:
  1. Advertising Revenue
  2. Selling Goods and Services
I shall deal with the second case, "Selling goods and services", in another article. In this article, I will address the issue of how your site can actually make money from advertising.

Making Money From Advertising

If you look at many websites, you will probably notice that there are banner advertisements displayed on most pages. If you are a newcomer to the scene, you might think that you must either be a company or that your site must be famous before you can get advertisers, just as it is the case in hardcopy publications.
In reality, anyone with a website can get advertisers. While it is true that if your site is well-known, you may get companies contacting you to offer to advertise on your site, you can get advertising revenue even if you are just starting out and your site is relatively unknown.
The way to do this is to join as an "affiliate" of various companies or sites, either directly, or through an affiliate network. An affiliate network is simply an intermediary with whom you can sign up to get advertisers (as opposed to dealing with individual companies separately). Read More

Make Money Online With a Website by Lisa Irby

I've been earning a full-time living since 2006. I create websites that teach via information and video. Then I make money by referring my audience to products and services that relate to my sites, advertising, sales of my ebooks, the YouTube Partner program and more.
Yes, I make it look easy, but that's because I love what I do and this is more than just money for me. I've put in a lot of time to make this work. This is not something you can just setup in a few hours or weeks. Read More